The 8 Extraordinary meridians
These treatments are designed for soul level healing, beyond the realm of conscious thought. They help us work through deep issues with self, feeling lost in life, family issues, and trauma to name a few. The energies of the stones and their specific placement on the body help us to move past blockages that we might not even be able to name. By going beyond conscious mind, deep and lasting healing can occur.
Stone medicine Oracle
This treatment is best for retrieving an answer to a certain question or dilemma you may have. An oracle deck reading is performed helping to find the stone or stones and guidance best suited to assist you on your quest. Once the reading is done and the stones are in place, the energies go to work to help guide you on your journey of discovering the answers and healing you are seeking.
Cosmic Dragon series
The Cosmic Dragon Treatments are all about healing our demons. There are 2 protocols to work from. One for our "inner demons" which are viewed as limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves, memories or emotions that haunt us, skeletons in the closet, or secrets we do not want to share with the world. The second protocol is for our "external demons" or things that came at us from the world outside of us. This can include things like traumas experienced, accidents, illness, or surgery. Both types of "demons" can cloud our field and limit our healing potential and the joy we experience in this life.
Energy work with the stones
This form of stone treatment is best suited for physical complaints including aches and pains, injury, or other "here and now" complaints. Stones are incorporated while energy work is performed to address the issue at hand and bring the body back into a more balanced state.
Stone Elixirs
The stones are used to create elixirs and formularies that are consumed orally to help address certain conditions. The elixir is made by an indirect method ensuring the elixir is safe for consumption. A dosage and length of time for taking the elixir is given as deemed appropriate for the condition being worked with. The elixirs are good for addressing common physical issues as well as more complex issues with emotions or trauma.
A Testimonial
"...stone and crystal therapy has brought a level of healing I never expected to my mind and soul!!! Over the last month, through the use of stones and crystals, I have realized a peace to some very hard, life-changing decisions. I have let go of past guilt. I feel as though I am truly realizing a peace that had once been unreachable!!! My stone therapy is far from over, but the benefits in the last month have been unbelievable!!!" ~ D.R. ~